Community effort brings lasting drop in smoking, delinquency, drug use (Science Daily)
Are today's parents going too soft on kids' using marijuana? (USA Today)
A chance to safely clean out medicine cabinets (Seattle Times)
Teens hear 34 references to brand-name liquor a day in rap and hip-hop (ABC News)
Prohibition's real lessons for drug policy (LA Times)
Councilman: Why so many drug dealers in the morning (Seattle PI)
Friends of teen’s romantic partner can influence drinking habits (American Sociological Association)
Insufficient sleep among high school students associated with drinking, smoking and smoking marijuana (Preventive Medicine)
Liquor store density linked to youth homicides, U.S. studies find (Science Daily)
Alcohol isn’t worth the trouble for some chain restaurants (New York Times)
Teens who eat at family dinners less likely to drink, smoke and use marijuana (CASA Columbia)
NIH study finds hospitalization increase for alcohol and drug overdoses (NIH News)