Free online audio-teleconference: How have budget cuts influenced the Court’s capacity to process underage alcohol cases?
Thursday, March 17, 2011, 12:00 - 1:15 p.m.
States across the country are responding to the current budget crisis by implementing a number of cost-saving measures and state courts are called upon to assume part of the burden of these reductions. Responses range from personnel layoffs to a curtailed docket as well as the elimination of programming. Multnomah County Courts and the Multnomah County Department of Community Justice (Adult and Juvenile Divisions) have embraced prevention as an effective response to the underage drinking cases that come before the court. The effective data driven strategies developed by the county to address underage alcohol cases have been curtailed or eliminated due to budget cuts. Teleconference panelists will explore how the Courts and Department of Community Justice of Multnomah County have responded to their budget cuts and measure the impact of the cuts on their underage alcohol strategy.
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