Coalition general meeting January 20

Prevention WINS General Coalition Meeting
Thursday, January 20, 2011
8-9:30 a.m.
Seattle Children's Hospital, G-1026

1. Welcome & Networking

2. Telling Our Community's Story

-- What's going on with our kids?
Kelly Kerby, Eckstein Middle School/Seattle Children's
Matt Wiley, Nathan Hale High School/Puget Sound ESD
Annamarie Kirkpatrick, Lakeside Milam

-- What's going on in our community?
Kipp Strong, Seattle Police Department
Danielle Bock-Grande, Partners in Prevention, Center for Human Services
Dan Higgins, King County Juvenile Probation

3. Drug Free Communities Grant: What is it?

4. Prevention Activities: Who is doing what?

All community members who are interested in preventing youth substance abuse in northeast Seattle are welcome!

For more information please contact the coalition coordinator.