Marijuana continues to be the primary reason that youth enter treatment, followed by alcohol, according to the recently released 2010 Drug Abuse Trends in Seattle-King County.
Among all people who are admitted for treatment for marijuana, most started using before the age of 15, with the largest number starting between ages of 12-13.
Treatment admissions for prescription opiates increased across the board.
A story about these local drug abuse trends was aired on KPLU:
These figures were compiled from various sources by Caleb Banta-Green, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute . . . "
He also told me [the reporter] that his biggest concern, looking forward, is what happens to the people who get addicted to painkillers, such as oxycodone.
"Prescription type opiates are pretty potent, but they're also quite expensive. Heroin is much cheaper. So, my concern is that as people run out of resources to afford prescription type drugs, they're going to need to move on to heroin."