What other coalitions are up to -- part 2

The SPF-SIG coalition coordinator from Wenatchee recently shared the following:

As I'm sure you all know, Apple Blossom Festival is a big thing here in Wenatchee. It kicked off last weekend with the Youth Parade and Youth Day in the Park.

Our coalition had an exciting Youth Day booth in the park -- they estimate 5,000 people attended that day. We had 2400 -- YES 2400 -- bottles of water to hand out. We had 1200 with our new parent message, "Congratulations Wenatchee Parents, 9 out of 10 have rules AGAINST underage drinking" and 1200 had our youth message, "MOST teens DON"T drink alcohol". We also had little bubbles for the little kids. We gave out ALL of the water bottles minus 2 cases of 24 bottles each. It was really fun talking to all of the parents and youth about the message. Students and staff helped put labels on all the bottles and Pepsi donated half of them.